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>> PISA 2022 Results (Volume III): Creative Minds, Creative Schools
The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students around the world know and can do. This volume – Volume III, Creative Minds, Creative Schools – is one of five volumes presenting the results of the eighth round of the PISA assessment. For the first time, in 2022, PISA assessed students’ capacity to engage in creative thinking in 64 countries and economies, defined as students’ capacity to produce original and diverse ideas. This volume describes student performance in creative thinking in different contexts and how creative thinking performance and attitudes vary across and within countries and economies. It examines differences in performance by student characteristics, including gender and socio-economic status, as well as school-characteristics. The volume also offers an insight into school leader and teacher attitudes towards creative thinking, how opportunities for students to engage in creative thinking vary across schools, and how these factors are associated with student outcomes.
>> Social and Emotional Skills for Better Lives: Findings from the OECD Survey on Social and Emotional Skills 2023
Social and Emotional Skills for Better Lives presents results from the OECD’s Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) 2023. SSES is the largest international effort to collect data on these skills among 10- and 15-year-old students.The report explores how the following skills differ by socio-demographic groups and how they relate to key life outcomes: task performance skills (persistence, responsibility, self-control and achievement motivation); emotional regulation skills (stress-resistance, emotional control and optimism); engaging with others skills (assertiveness, sociability and energy); open-mindedness skills (curiosity, creativity and tolerance); and collaboration skills (empathy and trust).
>> Policy Dialogues in Focus for Brazil: International Insights for Digital Education Reform
This policy brief brings together key reflections from the Policy Dialogues in Focus: International Insights for Digital Education Reform in Brazil. This seminar series from the Education Policy Outlook offered federal and subnational policy makers, civil society actors and researchers in Brazil the opportunity to learn from the experiences of six peer education systems (New South Wales (Australia), Chile, Colombia, Ireland, Korea and Mexico). The seminars also provided insights into other relevant international comparative and empirical work from the OECD. The policy brief builds on the main reflections and insights shared by presenters and participants in the seminars, covering four key topics: digital education governance, infrastructure and resources, capacity building and digital learning resources. The brief proposes pointers for policy makers in Brazil to consider when pursuing the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of digital education reforms.
>> International evidence to support the reform of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Brazil in 2024
This document brings together previous international evidence collected by the OECD on the topics of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and the education policy context of Brazil to support policy dialogue in Brazil on the reform of ECEC in 2024. This document looks into the following areas: 1) Why ECEC matters for stronger social and economic outcomes in Brazil, 2) How some OECD education systems are supporting access to and quality of ECEC, and 3) Which policy directions taken by some OECD countries can inform Brazil’s efforts to strengthen access and quality of ECEC?
>> Enhancing Scotland’s multi-level school improvement support system
The Scottish Government and the OECD co-facilitated an international peer learning event in May 2023 to explore ways and approaches for clarifying the roles and responsibilities of school improvement support provided at different levels of the education system. The event brought together Scottish stakeholders and international experts from Ireland, Norway and Wales (United Kingdom) to collectively reflect on the country's school improvement system. This report, written between May and September 2023, captures and summarises the peer learning event discussions and proposes policy options to help advance Scotland's education reform agenda. This report will be valuable not only for Scotland, but also to the many countries that are looking to strengthen their school improvement support systems.
>> A profile of an evaluation and assessment agency: Saudi Arabia’s Education and Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC)
>> Reforming school education in Romania: Strengthening governance, evaluation and support systems
>> How 15-Year-Olds Learn English: Case Studies from Finland, Greece, Israel, the Netherlands and Portugal
This report takes the reader into the lives of young people in Finland, Greece, Israel, the Netherlands and Portugal to explore the question: how do 15-year-olds learn English? Gone are the days when learners only encountered English for a couple of hours a week in a classroom. For today's teens, English is often the preferred language of communication in increasingly diverse online and offline communities. Yet relatively little is known internationally about how students learn English inside and outside school, and the resources available to help them. This report presents country findings from interviews with 15-year-olds, English-language teachers and school principals and wider background research, as well as a comparative chapter on key international insights. The report also explores how today’s digital technologies can support learners to develop foreign language proficiency. These findings support the forthcoming PISA 2025 Foreign Language Assessment through which the OECD will generate comparable data on students’ proficiency in English in different countries and on the factors related to it.
>> Transforming Education in Indonesia: Examining the landscape of current reforms
This policy perspective examines Indonesia’s Merdeka Belajar (“Emancipated Learning”) initiative, a comprehensive education reform agenda initiated in 2019. The primary objective of this reform is to enhance learning outcomes, make schooling a more joyful experience, and empower students and school communities. The new "Emancipation Curriculum" emphasises foundational competencies and 21st-century skills and adopts holistic, formative assessment methods. It streamlines content and introduces innovative teaching methods, while increasing teachers' flexibility and autonomy in schools. It also instigates a new model of teacher professional learning. This document contextualises these initiatives within the international education landscape. It offers perspectives on what could help Indonesia ensure the success of these reforms, potentially reshaping the country’s educational future and contributing to its development and prosperity.
>> Geospatial modelling in support of Latvia’s school network reorganisation initiative
A fragmented school network resulting from demographic shifts and regional economic developments can place a significant financial burden on education systems across OECD Member and non-Member countries. This is the case in Latvia, which has made the reorganisation of its school network a policy priority. The Latvian Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) is working jointly with municipalities to ensure high-quality education for every child regardless of school location. On this basis, the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills and OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities provided technical assistance to Latvia through capacity building workshops and the co-construction of a geospatial simulation model to identify schools to be considered for closing or merging. This report presents the key findings of the geospatial modelling, confirming there indeed is considerable scope for consolidating the school network and offers concrete policy recommendations for MoES and education stakeholders to consider for advancing Latvia’s school network reorganisation initiative.
>> OECD Digital Education Outlook 2023: Towards an Effective Digital Education Ecosystem and Country Digital Education Ecosystems and Governance: A Companion to Digital Education Outlook 2023
OECD Digital Education Outlook 2023: Towards an Effective Digital Education Ecosystem provides a comparative, thematic analysis of how countries shape or could shape their digital ecosystem. Student information systems (or EMIS), learning management systems, digital assessment platforms, study and career guidance: what are the different components of countries’ digital ecosystem? How and to what extent do countries leverage teachers' digital competences and the latest opportunities offered by artificial intelligence (AI)? How can countries make the most of their digital ecosystem so that it is trustworthy, useful, effective, and equitable? How do and can countries allow for digital education to continue to evolve and innovate their education? Based on numerous country examples coming from an OECD survey on countries’ digital education infrastructure and governance and from desk research, the report shows where countries stand and where they could be going from there to benefit from the digital transformation. It also points to opportunities, guidelines and guardrails about the effective and equitable use of AI in education.
Country Digital Education Ecosystems and Governance, linked with the Digital Education Outlook 2023 provides an overview of 29 countries’ (or jurisdictions') digital education ecosystem and governance. Each country note covers the devolution of responsibilities within countries; how it affects digital education; what digital tools for management and teaching and learning are made publicly available to schools, teachers and students; how they are provided or procured; how countries ensure the security, privacy, equity and effectiveness of this digital ecosystem while keeping incentives for private education technology (EdTech) companies. The information and analysis are based on a survey on digital education infrastructure and governance, interviews with national and regional government officials as well as desk-based research.
>> PISA 2022 Results (Volume I): The State of Learning and Equity in Education and PISA 2022 Results (Volume II): Learning During – and From – Disruption
The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students know in mathematics, reading and science, and what they can do with what they know. It provides the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student learning outcomes to date. Results from PISA indicate the quality and equity of learning outcomes attained around the world, and allow educators and policy makers to learn from the policies and practices applied in other countries. Here are two of five volumes that present the results of the eighth round of assessment, PISA 2022 – which was conducted during the
COVID-19 global pandemic.
Volume I, The State of Learning and Equity in Education, describes students’ performance in mathematics, reading and science; examines gender differences in performance; and investigates how performance relates to students’ socio-economic status and immigrant background. It also describes how the quality and equity of learning outcomes have evolved since previous PISA assessments.
Volume II, Learning During – and From – Disruption, focuses on resilience in education and analyses its relevance for education systems, schools and students. The volume covers: learning during and from school closures; life at school and support from home; students’ pathways through school; investments in education; and school governance. Trends in these indicators are examined when comparable data are available.
>> Roadmap for scaling up local school community engagement to inform education policy making in Ireland
During the last decade, several OECD countries have been supporting citizen engagement in policy making to better respond to increasingly volatile environments and complex problems. Ireland has a strong tradition and culture of partnership models and stakeholder engagement in education policy making. However, a desire to explore new opportunities for school community engagement and how they could support existing national consultation processes contributed to the exploration of alternative forms of stakeholder engagement in education. This has prompted the Teaching Council in collaboration with a range of Government Departments and national stakeholders, to request assistance from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) for the project "Support to improve local community engagement in Ireland's education policy development". Drawing from international examples, existing stakeholder engagement practices in Ireland, the contributions of a wide range of education stakeholders and a pilot exercise, this report proposes a model and roadmap for exploring the potential of school community engagement to further support policy making across the Irish education system.
>> An assessment of the professional development of teachers and school leaders, and curriculum and learning resources in Moldova and Enhancing the evaluation of VET programmes and institutions in the Republic of Moldova
The Republic of Moldova considers education a national priority and has been making steady progress in reforming and modernising its education system. The Ministry of Education and Research (MoER) in 2023 launched its Education Development Strategy 2030 and requested the European Union (EU) to engage the OECD to undertake a deeper analysis of selected policy domains that are central to its education reform. This laid the foundation for the project “Support to the implementation of education policies in Moldova”, funded by the EU. The MoER expressed a keen interest to learn from international research evidence and
relevant international examples to help advance its education reform agenda.
An assessment of the professional development of teachers and school leaders, and curriculum and learning resources in Moldova is the first output of the project that presents an in-depth analysis of two of three selected policy domains: "professional development of teachers and other education professionals" and "curriculum and learning resources" and has been developed by the OECD in collaboration with the UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning. The report will be valuable for Moldova and other countries that are looking to strengthen their school systems.
Enhancing the evaluation of VET programmes and institutions in the Republic of Moldova is the second output of the project "Support to implementation of education policies in Moldova" and presents an analysis of one of three selected policy domains: "the evaluation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes and institutions in order to improve their functioning".
>> Education at a Glance 2023: OECD Indicators
Chart of the month: Creative thinking in PISA 2022
Source: PISA 2022