Country reports for Moldova


>> Education in the Eastern Partnership: Findings from PISA

Education in the Eastern Partnership: Findings from PISA

The countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) - an initiative between the Member States of the European Union and Eastern European and South Caucasus countries - are navigating significant challenges while striving for sustainable economic growth and social cohesion. Education plays a crucial role in unlocking the potential of digitalisation and the green transition, offering pathways for economic diversification and innovation. This report, developed in co-operation with the European Commission and UNICEF, analyses PISA data for the EaP countries and economies that participated in PISA 2022: Baku (Azerbaijan), Georgia, Moldova, and Ukrainian regions. It identifies the strengths and challenges within these education systems and provides recommendations on how to build more resilient, equitable, and high-performing systems to support economic and social goals. This report will be of particular interest to policymakers and stakeholders dedicated to advancing education across the Eastern Partnership region.

Publication date:  17 December 2023
✓ Read the publication:  Education in the Eastern Partnership: Findings from PISA
✓ Further information:  OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
✓ Comparative report:  PISA 2022 Results (Volumes I,II)
✓ See also:  OECD's iLibrary
✓   PISA in Focus
✓   Interactive Country Profile: PISA 2022 - Moldova

>> Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 Results: Moldova - Country Note

>> An assessment of the professional development of teachers and school leaders, and curriculum and learning resources in Moldova

>> Enhancing the evaluation of VET programmes and institutions in the Republic of Moldova

>> Education in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Findings from PISA

>> Reviews of National Policies for Education: South Eastern Europe 2003 [Volume 2: FYROM, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia]