Search for specific education indicators by country, theme or level of education and compare the results using interactive charts and tables.
Base Theme
Survey of Adult Skills 2023 (PIAAC) |
PISA 2022 Results (Volume I): The State of Learning and Equity in Education |
PISA 2022 Results (Volume II): Learning During - and From - Disruption |
PISA 2022 Results (Volume III): Creative Minds, Creative Schools |
PISA 2022 Results (Volume V): Learning Strategies and Attitudes for Life |
PISA 2018 Results (Volume IV): Are Students Smart About Money? |
PISA 2018 Results (Volume VI): Are Students Ready to Thrive in an Interconnected World? |
PISA 2018: Are Students Ready To Take On Environmental Challenges? |
Education at a Glance 2024 (EAG 2024): Highlights |
EAG 2024, Chapter A: The output of educational institutions and the impact of learning |
EAG 2024, Chapter B: Access to education, participation and progression |
EAG 2024, Chapter C: Financial resources invested in education |
EAG 2024, Chapter D: Teachers, learning environment and organisation of schools |
TALIS 2018: Highlight indicators |
TALIS 2018 (Volume I): Teachers and School Leaders as Lifelong Learners |
TALIS 2018 (Volume II): Teachers and School Leaders as Valued Professionals |
TALIS 2018 (results for primary and upper secondary) |
TALIS 2018: Starting Strong Survey |
Student outcomes |
Collaborative Problem Solving |
Adult competencies |
Access & participation |
Student mobility |
Education attainment |
Education system & governance |
Financing education |
Learning environment |
Students' well-being |
Equity |
Gender |
Digital divide |
Special needs |
Socio-economic status |
Migrant background |
Economic & social outcomes |
Teachers & educators |
Education leadership |
Evaluation & quality assurance |
Future of education and skills |
Research & innovation |
Early childhood education & care |
Vocational education & training (VET) |
Tertiary education |
Impact of COVID-19 in education |
Not in education |
Early childhood education and care |
Non-educational programmes (early childhood) |
Pre-primary |
Pre-primary and primary |
Early childhood and primary |
Pre-primary to tertiary education |
Primary |
Primary and lower secondary |
Primary and secondary |
Primary to tertiary |
Primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education |
Lower secondary |
Lower secondary, general |
Lower secondary, vocational |
Below upper secondary |
Lower secondary to post-secondary non-tertiary, general programmes |
Lower secondary to post-secondary non-tertiary, vocational programmes |
Upper secondary |
Upper secondary, general |
Upper secondary general education, sufficient for partial level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary general education, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary general education, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary, vocational |
Upper secondary vocational education, sufficient for partial level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary vocational education, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary vocational education, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary |
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary, general |
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary, vocational |
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary, orientation not specified |
Upper secondary vocational education, school and work-based programmes |
At least upper secondary |
Secondary |
Secondary, general |
Secondary, vocational |
Post-secondary non-tertiary |
Post-secondary non-tertiary, general |
Post-secondary non-tertiary, vocational |
Post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education |
Short-cycle tertiary education |
Short-cycle tertiary education, general |
Short-cycle tertiary education, vocational |
Bachelor's or equivalent level |
Bachelor's or equivalent level, academic |
Bachelor's or equivalent level, professional |
Short-cycle tertiary and Bachelor's |
Bachelor's and Master's or equivalent levels |
Total tertiary excluding doctoral level |
Bachelor's to doctorate |
Master's or equivalent level |
Master’s or equivalent academic level, long first degree |
Master's or equivalent level, academic |
Master's or equivalent level, professional |
Master's to doctorate |
Doctoral or equivalent level |
Total tertiary |
Lower secondary to tertiary, general programmes |
Lower secondary to tertiary, vocational programmes |
Total tertiary education, academic programmes |
Total tertiary education, professional programmes |
All levels of education |
All levels of education + not allocated by level |
Not allocated by level of education |
Master's long first degree (LFD) degree |
Age Group
Early childhood |
Basic school ages |
Compulsory school ages |
15 year-olds |
15-19 year-olds |
Youths |
Young adults |
Adults |
All ages and age unknown |
Refine the indicator selection after selecting a base theme.