Search for specific education indicators by country, theme or level of education and compare the results using interactive charts and tables.
Base Theme
Survey of Adult Skills 2023 (PIAAC) |
PISA 2022 Results (Volume I): The State of Learning and Equity in Education |
PISA 2022 Results (Volume II): Learning During - and From - Disruption |
PISA 2022 Results (Volume III): Creative Minds, Creative Schools |
PISA 2022 Results (Volume V): Learning Strategies and Attitudes for Life |
PISA 2018 Results (Volume IV): Are Students Smart About Money? |
PISA 2018 Results (Volume VI): Are Students Ready to Thrive in an Interconnected World? |
PISA 2018: Are Students Ready To Take On Environmental Challenges? |
Education at a Glance 2024 (EAG 2024): Highlights |
EAG 2024, Chapter A: The output of educational institutions and the impact of learning |
EAG 2024, Chapter B: Access to education, participation and progression |
EAG 2024, Chapter C: Financial resources invested in education |
EAG 2024, Chapter D: Teachers, learning environment and organisation of schools |
TALIS 2018: Highlight indicators |
TALIS 2018 (Volume I): Teachers and School Leaders as Lifelong Learners |
TALIS 2018 (Volume II): Teachers and School Leaders as Valued Professionals |
TALIS 2018 (results for primary and upper secondary) |
TALIS 2018: Starting Strong Survey |
Student outcomes |
Collaborative Problem Solving |
Adult competencies |
Access & participation |
Student mobility |
Education attainment |
Education system & governance |
Financing education |
Learning environment |
Students' well-being |
Equity |
Gender |
Digital divide |
Special needs |
Socio-economic status |
Migrant background |
Economic & social outcomes |
Teachers & educators |
Education leadership |
Evaluation & quality assurance |
Future of education and skills |
Research & innovation |
Early childhood education & care |
Vocational education & training (VET) |
Tertiary education |
Impact of COVID-19 in education |
Not in education |
Early childhood education and care |
Non-educational programmes (early childhood) |
Pre-primary |
Pre-primary and primary |
Early childhood and primary |
Pre-primary to tertiary education |
Primary |
Primary and lower secondary |
Primary and secondary |
Primary to tertiary |
Primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education |
Lower secondary |
Lower secondary, general |
Lower secondary, vocational |
Below upper secondary |
Lower secondary to post-secondary non-tertiary, general programmes |
Lower secondary to post-secondary non-tertiary, vocational programmes |
Upper secondary |
Upper secondary, general |
Upper secondary general education, sufficient for partial level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary general education, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary general education, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary, vocational |
Upper secondary vocational education, sufficient for partial level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary vocational education, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary vocational education, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education |
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary |
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary, general |
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary, vocational |
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary, orientation not specified |
Upper secondary vocational education, school and work-based programmes |
At least upper secondary |
Secondary |
Secondary, general |
Secondary, vocational |
Post-secondary non-tertiary |
Post-secondary non-tertiary, general |
Post-secondary non-tertiary, vocational |
Post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education |
Post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education |
Short-cycle tertiary education |
Short-cycle tertiary education, general |
Short-cycle tertiary education, vocational |
Bachelor's or equivalent level |
Bachelor's or equivalent level, academic |
Bachelor's or equivalent level, professional |
Short-cycle tertiary and Bachelor's |
Bachelor's and Master's or equivalent levels |
Total tertiary excluding doctoral level |
Bachelor's to doctorate |
Master's or equivalent level |
Master’s or equivalent academic level, long first degree |
Master's or equivalent level, academic |
Master's or equivalent level, professional |
Master's to doctorate |
Doctoral or equivalent level |
Total tertiary |
Lower secondary to tertiary, general programmes |
Lower secondary to tertiary, vocational programmes |
Total tertiary education, academic programmes |
Total tertiary education, professional programmes |
All levels of education |
All levels of education + not allocated by level |
Not allocated by level of education |
Master's long first degree (LFD) degree |
Age Group
Early childhood |
Basic school ages |
Compulsory school ages |
15 year-olds |
15-19 year-olds |
Youths |
Young adults |
Adults |
All ages and age unknown |
Refine the indicator selection after selecting a base theme.
PISA 2022 Results (Volume III): Creative Minds, Creative Schools
Singapore, Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Estonia and Finland (in descending order) are the highest-performing systems in creative thinking, with a mean score of 36 points or above significantly above the OECD average (33 points). Students in Singapore score 41 points on average in creative thinking. There is a large performance gap in creative thinking between the highest-performing and lowest-performing country of 28 score points or around four proficiency levels. 97 out of 100 students in the five best-performing countries performed above the average student in the five lowest performing countries (Albania, the Philippines, Uzbekistan, Morocco and the Dominican Republic). Most countries and economies that scored above the OECD average in creative thinking outperformed the OECD average in mathematics, reading and science. Only Portugal performed above the OECD average in creative thinking (34 points) but not significantly different from the average in the three PISA core domains. Czechia, Hong Kong (China), Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei performed at or below the OECD average in creative thinking despite scoring above the OECD average in mathematics, reading and science. Academic excellence is not a pre-requisite for excellence in creative thinking. While around half of all students who performed at the highest level in creative thinking performed at the highest level in mathematics, similar proportions of students (over one-quarter, OECD average) within the third quintile of creative thinking performance scored within the second, third and fourth quintiles, respectively, in mathematics. However, very few students below a baseline proficiency in mathematics excelled in creative thinking. In no country or economy did boys outperform girls in creative thinking, with girls scoring 3 points higher in creative thinking on average across the OECD. The gender gap is significant in all countries/economies after accounting for mathematics performance and in around half of all countries/economies even after accounting for students reading performance. Students with higher socio-economic status performed better in creative thinking, with advantaged students scoring around 9.5 points higher than their disadvantaged peers on average across the OECD. In general, the strength of the association between socio-economic status and performance is weaker in creative thinking than it is for mathematics, reading and science.
| PISA 2022 | PISA 2022 Results (Volume III): Creative Minds, Creative Schools | PISA 2022 Assessment and Analytical Framework | PISA Glossary | PISA Database |
Select first some countries to compare, choose the chart you wish to display and customise them.
Browser View
Select OECD Countries
Australia |
Austria |
Belgium |
Flemish Region (Belgium) |
Belgium (French) |
Belgium (excl. Flemish) |
Canada |
Alberta (Canada) |
Canadian provinces |
Chile |
Colombia |
Costa Rica |
Czechia |
Denmark |
Estonia |
Finland |
France |
Germany |
Greece |
Hungary |
Iceland |
Ireland |
Israel |
Italy |
Japan |
Korea |
Latvia |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Mexico |
Netherlands |
New Zealand |
Norway |
Poland |
Portugal |
Slovak Republic |
Slovenia |
Spain |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Türkiye |
United Kingdom |
England (UK) |
Northern Ireland (UK) |
United States |
OECD average |
Non-OECD Countries
G20 average |
TALIS average |
TALIS avg. primary education |
TALIS avg. upper secondary education |
Albania |
Algeria |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires (Argentina) |
Baku (Azerbaijan) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Brazil |
Brunei Darussalam |
Bulgaria |
Cambodia |
China |
B-S-J-Z (China) |
Hong Kong (China) |
Macao (China) |
Shanghai (China) |
Chinese Taipei |
Croatia |
Dominican Republic |
Ecuador |
El Salvador |
Georgia |
Guatemala |
India |
Indonesia |
Jamaica |
Jordan |
Kazakhstan |
Kosovo |
Lebanon |
North Macedonia |
Malaysia |
Malta |
Moldova |
Mongolia |
Montenegro |
Morocco |
Palestinian Authority |
Panama |
Paraguay |
Peru |
Philippines |
Qatar |
Romania |
Saudi Arabia |
Serbia |
Singapore |
South Africa |
Thailand |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Tunisia |
United Arab Emirates |
Abu Dhabi (UAE) |
Ukraine |
Uruguay |
Uzbekistan |
Viet Nam |
The data table will display up to four selected countries (unselect the OECD average to have one more).
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Country Profile quick links
Note: These values should be interpreted with care since they are influenced
by countries' specific contexts and trade-offs. In education, there is often no simple
most- or least-efficient model. For instance, the share of private expenditure in
education must be read against other measures designed to mitigate inequities,
such as loans and grants; longer learning time is an opportunity to convey
more and better content to students, but may hinder investments in other important
areas. If you want further information on the nature of different variables, please
take the time to read the analysis and contextual information, available at the website
for each publication.
The OECD average includes only OECD countries which are listed here:
Reference years displayed in the Education GPS correspond to the most common year of reference among countries for which data is available on each variable. Data for the latest available year is preferred and some countries may have provided data refering to a more recent or late year. To know more about possible exceptions on data please click on the "Download Indicator" link on each variable. When a year of reference corresponds to a school year encompassing two years, the reference reads as follows: 2018 for school year 2017/2018.
*TALIS averages are based on all countries participating in the TALIS survey, including partner countries and economies. This explains the difference between the OECD average and the TALIS average. Data from the TALIS survey and Education at a Glance (EAG) may differ. See Annex E of the TALIS technical report and Annex 3 of EAG 2021 for more details about the data collections.
B-S-J-Z (China) refers to the four PISA-participating provinces/municipalities of the People's Republic of China: Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
For additional notes, please refer to annexes in the list of links below the introductory text.
The OECD average includes only OECD countries which are listed here:
Reference years displayed in the Education GPS correspond to the most common year of reference among countries for which data is available on each variable. Data for the latest available year is preferred and some countries may have provided data refering to a more recent or late year. To know more about possible exceptions on data please click on the "Download Indicator" link on each variable. When a year of reference corresponds to a school year encompassing two years, the reference reads as follows: 2018 for school year 2017/2018.
*TALIS averages are based on all countries participating in the TALIS survey, including partner countries and economies. This explains the difference between the OECD average and the TALIS average. Data from the TALIS survey and Education at a Glance (EAG) may differ. See Annex E of the TALIS technical report and Annex 3 of EAG 2021 for more details about the data collections.
B-S-J-Z (China) refers to the four PISA-participating provinces/municipalities of the People's Republic of China: Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
For additional notes, please refer to annexes in the list of links below the introductory text.