Country reports for Chile
>> Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) Results: Chile - Country Note
The Survey of Adult Skills offers unique insights on adults proficiency in literacy, numeracy, and problem solving. These skills are crucial for both personal and societal success, and form the foundation for continuous learning and innovation. In 2022-23, the survey assessed adults aged 16-65 in 31 countries and economies. By comparing results over time and with those of other participating countries and economies, participants can track the skill levels of its adult population, pinpoint barriers to skill development and use, and craft effective policies to address these challenges.
Publication date: |
10 December 2024 |
>> Education at a Glance 2024: Chile - Country Note
Education at a Glance is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world. It provides data on the structure, finances and performance of education systems across OECD countries and a number of accession and partner countries. More than 100 charts and tables in this publication - as well as links to much more available on the educational database - provide key information on the output of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; access, participation and progression in education; the financial resources invested in education; and teachers, the learning environment and the organisation of schools. This country note provides a country-specific overview of Chile.
Publication date: |
10 September 2024 |
>> Country Digital Education Ecosystems and Governance: A Companion to Digital Education Outlook 2023 (Chile)
This report, linked with the Digital Education Outlook 2023, provides an overview of 29 countries' (or jurisdictions') digital education ecosystem and governance. Each chapter covers the devolution of responsibilities within countries; how it affects digital education; what digital tools for management and teaching and learning are made publicly available to schools, teachers and students; how they are provided or procured; how countries ensure the security, privacy, equity and effectiveness of this digital ecosystem while keeping incentives for private education technology (EdTech) companies. The information and analysis are based on a survey on digital education infrastructure and governance, interviews with national and regional government officials as well as desk-based research. Providing for the first time a holistic view of 29 countries' and jurisdictions' digital education ecosystem and governance, this report will be of interest to policy makers, academics and education stakeholders interested in the digital transformation of education at home and internationally.
Publication date: |
13 December 2023 |
>> Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 Results: Chile - Country Note
The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students know in reading, mathematics and science, and what they can do with what they know. It provides the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student learning outcomes to date. Results from PISA indicate the quality and equity of learning outcomes attained around the world, and allow educators and policy makers to learn from the policies and practices applied in other countries. This country note provides a country-specific overview of Chile.
Publication date: |
05 December 2023 |
>> Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 Results (Volume II): Chile - Country Note
The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is the first international large-scale survey that provides a voice to teachers and school principals, who complete questionnaires about issues such as the professional development they have received; their teaching beliefs and practices; the assessment of their work and the feedback and recognition they receive; and various other school leadership, management and workplace issues. This note presents findings based on the reports of lower secondary teachers and their school leaders in mainstream public and private schools in Chile.
Publication date: |
23 March 2020 |
>> Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 Results (Volume I): Chile - Country Note
The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is the first international large-scale survey that provides a voice to teachers and school principals, who complete questionnaires about issues such as the professional development they have received; their teaching beliefs and practices; the assessment of their work and the feedback and recognition they receive; and various other school leadership, management and workplace issues. This note presents findings based on the reports of lower secondary teachers and their school leaders in mainstream public and private schools in Chile.
Publication date: |
19 June 2019 |
>> OECD Reviews of School Resources: Chile 2017
This country review report for Chile provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the use of school resources in Chile, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. The report serves three purposes: i) to provide insights and advice to Chilean education authorities; ii) to help other countries understand the Chilean approach to the use of school resources; and iii) to provide input for the comparative analysis of the OECD School Resources Review. The analysis in the report focusses on the following areas: i) the funding of school education (including planning, distribution, incentives and monitoring); ii) equity resourcing policies targeted at specific groups of students; iii) school organisation and the operation of schools; and iv) the teaching profession.
Publication date: |
01 December 2017 |
✓ Background Report: |
Chile |
>> Reviews of National Policies for Education: Education in Chile
Chile's education system can foster stronger economic, democratic and social development in the country. There are significant macroeconomic benefits to education, such as increased productivity. That said, individuals tend to benefit the most from high-quality, equitable education systems. In 2004, the OECD performed a review of national education policies and an analysis of the Chilean education system. This review aims to identify key changes in the Chilean education system mainly from 2004-16, in order to analyse where education in Chile stands today and offer recommendations to help provide better education opportunities for all Chileans in the coming years. The review therefore examines different areas of education policy in Chile, from early childhood education and care (ECEC) to higher education.
Publication date: |
30 November 2017 |
>> Starting Strong IV: Early Chilhood Education and Care - Data Country Note: Chile
This Data Spotlight note on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) provides a summary of ECEC policy inputs, outputs and outcomes in Chile. It uses data available within the OECD Secretariat - Education at a Glance, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the OECD Family Database - to make comparisons between Chile's ECEC system and the systems in other OECD countries. This note complements the 2015 OECD publication, Starting Strong IV: Monitoring Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Publication date: |
01 January 2016 |
>> Teacher Evaluation in Chile 2013
How can assessment and evaluation policies work together more effectively to improve student outcomes in primary and secondary schools? This book provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing teacher evaluation, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches in Chile.
Publication date: |
08 November 2013 |
>> Education Policy Outlook Country Policy Profile: Chile
This policy profile on education in Chile is part of the Education Policy Outlook series, which presents comparative analysis of education policies and reforms across OECD countries. Building on the substantial comparative and sectorial policy knowledge base available within the OECD, the series also includes a biennial publication. It develops a comparative outlook on education policy by providing: a) analysis of individual countries' educational context, challenges and policies (education policy profiles) and of international trends and b) comparative insight on policies and reforms on selected topics.
Publication date: |
01 November 2013 |
>> Reviews of National Policies for Education: Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Chile 2013
Growth and diversity have characterised higher education in OECD countries for fifty years. Chile is no exception and has experienced dramatic increases in the number of students, the range of institutions and the programmes that they offer. But wider participation and diversification are only part of the story. Chilean society remains highly unequal in economic and social terms, and the quality of the academic, technical and professional programmes on offer is uneven. The establishment of a culture of quality in higher education which goes beyond accreditation, and the provision of accurate and reliable information, have become issues of concern not only to institutions, students and employers but to a wider public. This report analyses the performance of the relatively young higher education quality assurance system (SINAC-ES). It provides a set of key principles that the OECD review team believes both reflect international practice and are relevant for Chile. The report makes a set of recommendations about the place of the SINAC ES in Chilean higher education and society; the focus of its work; its structure and leadership; and the functions of licensing; accreditation and information that it carries out.
Publication date: |
18 January 2013 |
>> Chile's International Scholarship Programme
Chile has long considered education as a central priority and as key for its economic development. Over the past two decades the country has made great strides to increase the numbers of young people entering tertiary education. In 2008 Chile embarked on a bold initiative to develop its human capital with a scholarship abroad scheme - the Becas Chile Programme - which aims to train 30 000 outstanding students including teachers and technicians in institutions of their choice around the world. This joint OECD and World Bank report gives an overview of human capital development in Chile; describes features of the Becas Chile Programme; analyses the strategic and operational issues; and recommends ways to maintain and fine-tune the scholarship abroad scheme. This report will be useful for both Chilean education professionals and their international counterparts.
Publication date: |
02 September 2010 |
>> Learning for Jobs: Chile (A First Report)
Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs. It expands the evidence base, identifies a set of policy options and develops tools to appraise VET policy initiatives. The government's commitment to develop and reform the VET system is illustrated by the recent work of the VET Commission and the creation of the National Council for VET. Chilean society places a high value on education and training, with fast-increasing participation in post-compulsory education. At the same time, the various elements of the VET system are weakly connected to each other, the literacy and numeracy skills of 15 year olds in Chile are not as good as they should be, and workplace training, as part of VET programmes, is weakly developed. This report suggests and analyses different policy options to tackle this issue.
Publication date: |
01 December 2009 |
>> Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education in Chile 2009
This joint OECD and World Bank review gives a brief overview of post-secondary education in Chile and describes its development over the past twenty years. It presents an analysis of the system and identifies key directions for policy reform in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students. It concludes with a set of key recommendations concerning the structure of the system and its labour market relevance; access and equity, governance and management; research, development and innovation; internationalisation; and financing.
Publication date: |
02 April 2009 |
>> Country Background Report: OECD Improving School Leadership Activity: Chile
The report provides an overview of school leadership developments and issues in Chile, as a contribution to the OECD's Improving School Leadership Activity. It discusses the national context of schooling, the features of the school system, school governance and leardership, the attractiveness of school leaders' roles, and professional learning of school leaders in the country.
Publication date: |
01 January 2006 |
>> Reviews of National Policies for Education: Chile 2004
Reviews of National Policies for Education: Chile covers the entire system of Chilean education from pre-school through tertiary education and lifelong learning for all, and analyses it in terms of its economic, social and political impact.
Publication date: |
12 February 2004 |
>> Country Background Report: Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers: Chile
Chile has experienced major political, economic and social changes in the last three decades. Three democratic governments led by the same political coalition (Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia) have taken the reins of the country since 1990 after 17 years of an authoritarian military government. The military government (1973-1990) carried out a reform program of the school system in Chile aiming to decentralize its administration, introducing a voucher system for its finance and encouraging an increase of government-funded private schools. Conversely from 1990, the democratic governments have attempted to implement policies in education with an explicit focus on public investments for increasing quality and equity in the educational system, while maintaining the organizational and funding components introduced in the eighties.
Publication date: |
01 November 2003 |